Baby is still crying which motivates me not to go up just yet.
There was an old man in a boat
There was an old man in a boat
Who did almost nothing of note
Save sit in the bay
With the seagulls all day
And uncharismatically float
For more see
Well I’m vaguely confused as to how to proceed. There has been such a long gap since I last updated my blog that I don’t know what to do first. Should I just continue from this point forwards? Or should I go back and update what has happened in the interim period?
Under most conceivable circumstances I would simply plod on forwards irrespective of what ommissions exist, however this time it’s different. This time the gap contains such significant ommissions that were I to continue the plot would be flawed, relevant detail missing.
Therefore, dear reader, I guess I have answered my own question! I must go back and fill in the gaps! Therefore just because you can see no entry dated after this one do not assume nothing new has gone before.
Linear is just no fun! *wink*
I went out drinking with a friend of mine this evening. He told me to confess, and that is what I am doing. All writing is a confession. The act of setting things down in writing is sacred.
Moments in Time
Letter to Leon:
I could describe to you, my child, so much about the time that your mother and I grew up in. Moments in time that we were a part of. There is so much I could say to try to descibe what it was like, actually being alive in the time we were both born, but nothing I could say would do it justice. When I was growing up your grandfather and grandmother were a part of the 60s and 70s, music and culture from that time formed a very tangible part of the environment in which they grew up in. I could read about what it was like then, I could listen to the music. However it’s never the same as actually being there. Within my own living memory I could descibe the miner’s strikes, the power cuts, the banality of 80s pop music, but my words would never be enough. I worried about this, knowing that you would come into the world. That you would ask me what it was like, what your mother and I were like. Nothing I can say would be adequete. I realise in writing this that that doesn’t matter. You will have moments of your own that you are part of. You will live and grow in a world that will be your own. I hope that you have as much joy and delight in that world as I have had in mine.
Finally Ringpull Returning!
Finally Ringpull Returning! I’m finally getting round to pulling the old files from my old blog and getting the posts back up!
You never know I might get round to even writing some new ones! I suspect it’s unlikely I’ll be able to promise regular updates but you never know!
So Hello World! Again! I’ve experimented with Movable Type, and then Nucleus, and now WordPress!
Please feel free to comment on anything you find here, new or old!
Cat’s Eyes
Cat’s Eyes on an empty carriageway lighting the route to the horizon…
Not the “Highway” or the “Freeway” but “Carriageway”! How long since carriages the main mode?
I am delighted to report that Andrew Whorrall has been found safely, furthermore, he suggested to me that he was never lost. Certainly a number of people were worried and unsure of his whereabouts. Typically the only time in the year when I am unaccessable online my assistance is required. By the time I came to discover that Andrew had been reported missing, he was already found! Well that’s Christmas for you!
2005-01-17 23:16:28
My Life has value…
“I’m a human being! My life has value!”
“So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!!”
Both quotes come from Howard in the film Network 1976.
Visited Hardwick Hall
Just found a ticket today (31/MAY/2009) from our visit to Hardwick Hall a National Trust house. I don’t remember it at all! I’m not even sure where it is! I’ll have to see if I’ve any photographys from the day!
I’ve just checked and Hardwick Hall is in Doe Lea, Derbyshire and is one of the most significant Elizabethan country houses in England.
In common with its architect Robert Smythson’s other works at both Longleat House and Wollaton Hall, Hardwick Hall is one of the earliest examples of the English interpretation of the Renaissance style of architecture.
…and yes this information has been half-inched from Wikipedia… read more here: Hardwick Hall at Wikipedia.