
I am delighted to report that Andrew Whorrall has been found safely, furthermore, he suggested to me that he was never lost. Certainly a number of people were worried and unsure of his whereabouts. Typically the only time in the year when I am unaccessable online my assistance is required. By the time I came to discover that Andrew had been reported missing, he was already found! Well that’s Christmas for you!

2005-01-17 23:16:28

2 Replies to “Darkbliss”

  1. Damon sorry to get in touch this way, andrew (darkbliss) has gone missing, we (me and his brothers are very worried), the police are registering him as a missing person as we speak, if you have any info/know any numbers of his friends pls can you get in touch right away my no is 07799395135 my email is bleeding @ ntlworld . com thanks so much. Do you have a contact number for Pete/Johnny Diamond/ Selwyn etc?

    Sorry about this unorthodox approach.

    Helen Campbell – Leeds

    2004-12-28 22:16:38

  2. Thanks tigz, yes it was a scary time – Andrew’s perception of the world has been somewhat skewed of late. He was definately missing lol.

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