More Background to the events that culminated in my trip to A&E last Saturday. If you have already read Part 2 (including The Report on lens damage) you’ll be able to see why when I started getting headaches whenever I used my mobile phone I became worried.
I was starting to think maybe I had dropped my mobile phone and damaged it, somehow causing it to give off more radiation than I could cope with. It seemed unbelievable but I could think of no other explanation.
Each time I took a phone call on my phone my eye would indeed water. I could almost feel it bubbling in the heat that my phone was giving off. At first I told myself it was just psychosomatic. Which clearly made my pain and discomfort all Snowball’s fault for putting the idea in my head.
However the more time passed and the worse my symptoms got the more I started to consider the worst. A whole phantasmagoria of possible ailments and horrific health conditions swam through my head as increasingly distinct possibilities. All I can say to you is: “Never ever Google your symptoms if you are feeling unwell!”
I believe it started on Thursday and by this point (Saturday morning) I had:
- a persistent minor headache all the time specifically focused on the left of my head;
- a severe headache (lasting about two hours) following any use of my phone (even just a 20-30 second call);
- my left ear ached, and my inner ear hole was very sore and tender to the touch;
- my left eye was becoming increasingly bloodshot and sore;
By three o’clock things had gotten much worse. Continued in Part 4.
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