I am delighted to report that Andrew Whorrall has been found safely, furthermore, he suggested to me that he was never lost. Certainly a number of people were worried and unsure of his whereabouts. Typically the only time in the year when I am unaccessable online my assistance is required. By the time I came to discover that Andrew had been reported missing, he was already found! Well that’s Christmas for you!
2005-01-17 23:16:28
Damon sorry to get in touch this way, andrew (darkbliss) has gone missing, we (me and his brothers are very worried), the police are registering him as a missing person as we speak, if you have any info/know any numbers of his friends pls can you get in touch right away my no is 07799395135 my email is bleeding @ ntlworld . com thanks so much. Do you have a contact number for Pete/Johnny Diamond/ Selwyn etc?
Sorry about this unorthodox approach.
Helen Campbell – Leeds
2004-12-28 22:16:38
Thanks tigz, yes it was a scary time – Andrew’s perception of the world has been somewhat skewed of late. He was definately missing lol.