Not quite a review as we’ve not got it yet!
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The shiny new Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 WiFi Android Tablet looks awesome sauce!

pointless and beautiful
Scarlett Estella Ada Wright was born on the 6th of January 2016 at 21:01 in the evening. We couldn’t be happier.
Call yourself alive? Look, I promise you
that for the first time you’ll feel your pores opening
like fish mouths, and you’ll actually be able to hear
your blood surging through all those lanes,
and you’ll feel light gliding across the cornea
like the train of a dress. For the first time
you’ll be aware of gravity
like a thorn in your heel,
and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings.
Call yourself alive? I promise you
you’ll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you’ll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes,
and every memory you have – will begin
at Genesis.
Nina Cassian.
© Ardis, 1983; Oxford Univ. Press, 1993
translated from the Romanian by Brenda Walker & Andrea Deletant
“Any event in this world – any human being for that matter – that seems to wear even the faintest cast or warp of strangeness, is apt to leave a disproportionately sharp impression on one’s senses.”
“In contrast, Life’s mere ordinary day-to-day – its thoughts, talk, doings – wither and die out of the mind like leaves from a tree. Year after year a similar crop recurs, and that goes too. It is mere debris, it perishes. But these other anomalies survive, even through the cold of age.”
– Walter de la Mare
Benjamin Soren Lief Wright was born after very little notice at 12:12 in the afternoon. He weighed just 5lb.
I have a song in my head and I have absolutely no idea where it’s come from or who it is… other than it’s bad eighties metal!
I vaguely remember it being on a mix tape provided to me by Verity Lowe’s friend. I Believe this was in 1991 or 1992…
I’ve searched the net and discovered that it’s Love/Hate Yucca Man…
Does anyone else remember it? I think the only other song I remember from this album Wasted in America was Evil Twin…
You can grab the album here:
I’ve just read about Love/Hate’s publicity stunt on the Hollywood sign:
“On June 1 1992 Jizzy performed his legendary publicity stunt to try and help album sales. This involved Jizzy, with the help of a few others, successfully erecting a cross on the letter ‘Y’ of the Hollywood Sign and performing a mock crucifixion on it, with a camera crew in a helicopter to film it[2]. The band had assumed the authorities would quickly notice the stunt, but in the event Jizzy was stuck on the cross, 60 ft in the air, for several hours. Eventually a TV news helicopter spotted him and the police and fire dept were called to bring him down. He spent a few hours in jail and made headline news. However, Columbia were furious at the stunt and the publicity quickly faded with no noticeable impact on record sales. Although it did lead to the introduction of motion sensors on the sign.”
– Extract from Wikipedia.
They still got dropped by Columbia incidentally!
Leon played at Wacky Warehouse at the Station Promenade today in Morecambe.
I had fun at the swimming baths with Leon, Kat forgot her swimming costume so I didn’t get much of a swim.
Rather than a stomp in the woods we drove up to Hest Bank and over to Priest Hutton to look at possible rental properties.
We looked at the dormer bungalow in Hest Bank, the cottage in Priest Hutton and three cottages in Caton.
The property in Caton looks wonderful, we just have to get Kat through the credit check!
[ADDITIONAL: Added from paper notes on 03/SEP/2009].
I’m stuck in a hotel on the Lancaster Business Park after a fire at 32 Aldrens Lane.
I’m going to try and get organised before tomorrow. I’m going to go swimming and for a stomp round the woods, mainly to keep Leon entertained.
[ADDITIONAL: Added from paper notes on 03/SEP/2009].