Friday th 14th 2025f March, 2025.
Web Standards
by Damon Wright
I have developed an interest in Web Standards, and am working feverishly to understand the more complicated aspects of CSS. I want to be able to say: "Look ma! No tables!" at some point in the very near future. It all began when I started to find out about the Fahrner Image Replacement (FIR) tecnique. This article explains the complexities and reasons for it, Using Background-Image to Replace Text. Then seeing the absolute beauty of the CSS Zen Garden I knew I was hooked. By seperating Design and Content, you can (or at least will be able to one day) solve all of the current problems of accessability and usabiliy. Thus it seems to fit naturally with my own work on Search Engine Optimisation & Guaranteed Search Engine Listings. Issues of accessability and usability extend beyond human able bodied browsers to include, for example, other programs such as search engine spiders and bots, as well as machine readers used by the blind.
Fighting with FIR
by Damon Wright
Fighting with FIR Image Replacement whatsit! The damn thing keeps changing. I'll admit that it excites me, but there being so many replacements now that FIR is shown not to work frustrates me!